Change Management Consulting - Six Sigma and Lean Consulting

Change Management Consulting, Inc.

Transforming Businesses Worldwide

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The CMC Approach Makes All The Difference!


Custom-designed assessments, client involvement and innovative improvement programs.


Guaranteed Satisfaction



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The Change Management Consulting, Inc. (CMC) approach to organizational assessments and improvement is collaborative.  It incorporates research, technical advice and consultation, and customized training, as clients such as Coca-Cola and the Social Security Administration will attest.


Our approach has four distinctive characteristics:

We involve the client—all employees to the maximum extent possible—in taking charge of their improvement initiative. This ensures genuine and lasting results because employees will own the changes.

We tailor our assessments to each client assignment's unique situation and place emphasis on improvement implementations with early wins and visible signs of successful breakthrough change.  CMC has helped many organizations develop the knowledge to improve in innovative ways to surpass their competition and sustain a performance advantage.

  We help our clients focus on stretch goals, systematic improvement, and accelerated measurable results.  CMC has expertise in a variety of measurement systems to track improvement gains throughout a client organization.

  As change agents, we help clients develop their own solutions to define a common vision and strategies for breakthrough results.  We provide time-tested methodologies and pragmatic custom training.  And CMC transfers its technology to its clients when they are ready.

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