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 CMC Multirater Surveys - Key Features and Benefits


Accurate, reliable results that yield positive behavioral changes

Multirater Surveys

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 Key Features/Benefits

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The CMC Multirater Survey System offers several distinct advantages that you will not find elsewhere:

It is a fast, flexible and accurate survey process with powerful individual and group reporting capabilities.

The platform and subsequent reports are designed to maximize the value of the survey information and lead to real action for development.

We provide expert help in developing the survey items and in managing the entire effort (including communications) to ensure success.

With our leading-edge Compass Plus™ survey system, you will:

Maximize profits by pinpointing the exact training your employees need to excel.

Know where staff improvement is needed and where strengths exist that you can build on.

Be able to direct your training budget to the areas needing it most, and not waste time or money where it's not needed.

Measure the effectiveness of your ongoing training programs.

Be knowledgeable and confident when planning the future direction of your business.


Contact us to learn how CMC can assist you in designing and conducting multirater surveys for your organization.


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