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Compass Plus - A Powerful Web-Based Survey System


Get the human resources data you need to successfully run your business!

Multirater Surveys

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The CMC Compass Plus™ is a powerful web-based survey system designed to capture the human resources data you need to successfully run your business. It is designed to be customized to capture the exact data and information you need to excel.


The Compass Plus™ system is different from what most other companies offer in three important ways:

We have consultants on staff that will listen to you and help you design just the survey you need. Our management and training experts are real people with real-world experience.

While many survey systems are Internet based, very few offer "dual-scale" capabilities. Compass Plus does. For each question we capture two data sets, a ranking and a level of importance. The difference between the two is extremely important, identifying areas for individual and organizational focus.  Our "dual scale" (also called "gap analysis") gives the most accurate results available anywhere today, providing individuals and organizations with insightful information for enhancing leadership skills. 

Compass Plus is fully customizable and can be configured to carry your logo and other corporate branding elements. Your employees and customers will see your name, not ours.

Contact us to learn how CMC can assist you in designing and conducting multirater surveys for your organization.


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